Quasense - Your Complete Review

The generic name of Quasense is ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel extended cycle. It is a combination of female hormones, which prevent ovulation. The medication causes changes in the cervix mucus and uterine lining that makes it harder for sperm to penetrate the uterus. Sperm will be having a hard time reaching the fertilized egg that is attached to the uterus. The medicine is used as contraceptive. Women having the following conditions are not allowed to use the medicine:

• history of stroke or blood clot • hormone related cancer such as breast or uterine cancer • circulation problems • abnormal vaginal bleeding • severe high blood pressure • liver cancer • heart valve disorder • hHistory of jaundice.

If in case the above condition is present, the woman may need to use back up birth control such as spermicide or condoms. If a person is a smoker or older than 35 there is a greater risk of blood clots, heart attack or stroke. It is advisable that the user of Quasense should inform the doctor on the medication she is taking. Hormonal pills usually have adverse effects if taken wronglynot taken properly. Quasense belongs to this group and proper information should be given to avoid untoward or harmful effects. There are some drugs that can make birth control pills less effective that may result in pregnancy. Do not take this medicine without any advice from the doctor. If a woman has missed two menstrual periods in a row, then it is not best to use this medicine. Do not use control pills if woman is breast feedingbreast-feeding. The hormones present in this pill can be passed into the breast milk and can harm a nursing baby. It also slows down the production of breast milk. Ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel extended cycle should be taken as prescribed by the physician. It is not recommended to take large amounts of pills or take it in an extended period. Usually the first pill is taken during the first day of the period or on the first Sunday after the period begins. Don't be alarmed if you do not have your menstrual period every month while taking the birth control pill. The menstrual period usually occurs every 12 weeks.

Quasense is a 91- day birth control pack that has three trays with cards that can hold 84 active pills and seven reminder pills. In order to keep regular cycle the user must use the pills in a certain order. The order includes tray one and two, which holds the 28 pills and the tray three, which holds the 35 pills including the seven reminder pills. Quasense is taken one pill every day no more than 24 hours apart. Start with a new pack once the pills run out. If the medication is not used regularly, the woman might get pregnant. Breakthrough bleeding is one of the common side effects of this pill. Inform the doctor if bleeding continues or is very heavy. If in case the user needs to have medical tests or surgery or was advised to take bed rest stop using this medication.

Ovulation Calculating methods

Many women today choose to calculate their fertile days so as to determine when the best time for pregnancy is. This is a common practice for women who have some difficulty in conceiving, or those who are planning to have a baby and want to increase their chances of conceiving at a particular moment. If you have never done it before calculating ovulation can be a rather daunting task, because not all women have the same menstrual cycle and not every month is the same anyway. Here are some tips that can help women determine their fertile days.

1. Use a calculator: there are ovulation kits and ovulation test that can help women determine which their most fertile days are. These kits are available in drug stores and they are very accurate, helping you determines when to have an intercourse. A pregnancy ovulation calculator is quite easy to use, but all kits come with detailed descriptions and guidelines in them.

2. Use an ovulation calendar. The ovulation calendars are very helpful because they allow women to keep track of their period and ovulation days. They cannot tell you right away which your fertile days are, but after following them for a couple of months, they can prove to be very helpful.

3. Basal temperature calculation. Creating a chart with the basal body temperature can help you predict when your next ovulation will be. It is not the most accurate method, because it is mostly based on the temperature of the basal body, which gets higher when the ovulation symptoms occur, however it is a method that will allow you to be quite close. There are some particular ovulation tests that actually give you the chance to track the basal temperature and determine the right timing for that.

4. Calculate and track the period day. A regular menstrual cycle is from 25-28 days, although many women can have a 22 or even 32 day cycle. Women usually count the cycle from the first day of their period to the first day of the next cycle. If the amount of days becomes a sort of pattern, then that can help them determine their usual cycle. Ovulation occurs during the mid cycle, so for most women that could be from the 12-14th day. Using an ovulation calendar can help you determine your cycle, as precisely as possible.

Ovulation calculators and prediction methods

An ovulation prediction calculator and kit can be purchased at any store, large retail shops or drug stores. They are great for women who want to have something more than a typical calculator, like the online ovulation calculator, since these kits include an ovulation test as well; it is a simple urine test that can show you if you are ovulating or not.

These kits are pretty useful and accurate, but the problem is that they are rather costly, especially if you intend to use them frequently. They cost approximately 30-40$, so it might not be a great idea for a monthly check.

Another ovulation calculator and predictor is the saliva microscope, which is a small tube with a light and a lens. You place a small amount of saliva on the lens and they can show you if you are ovulating or not. The method followed here is the observation of the estrogens that are usually increased just before and during the ovulation. The main drawback of this method is that unless you are familiar with what you see, you won't be able to use them effectively.

Of course there are less technical and complex methods to predict your ovulation. One of them is using an ovulation calculator and chart. Charting requires some amount of work on your behalf, since you need to write down and record dates and figures every month, for several months at least. The point is to record the processes and ovulation symptoms or dates, so as to understand the functions of your body. Most women are not in that close touch with their body, that is why sometimes fail to understand what is going on inside them.

Once you get the hang of the ovulation calendar, you can combine the results with a calculator which you can find online for free. The results of combined methods are the most reliable, usually, for all women.